OPC UA PubSub Formatter Overview

From OPC Labs Knowledge Base
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The OPC UA PubSub Formatter (Windows desktop application) allows you to visualize the output of formatting OPC UA PubSub network messages (currently, JSON message mapping only).

Why is this useful?

  • JSON message mapping in OPC UA PubSub is frequently used to provide interoperability between "OPC world" and "non-OPC world"; that is, to connect OPC UA applications with systems that do not support OPC UA standard per se. The JSON message mapping in OPC UA is specifically designed to be quite flexible in the way the message is formatted. With clever configuration, chances are high the the non-OPC system on the other end will be able to produce/consume JSON messages in the format supported on the OPC side as well. With quite a number of options for message formatting available, it is however sometimes difficult to understand the implications of each setting, and the precise JSON implied by the combination of them. The OPC UA PubSub formatter help with this task by showing how the JSON network messages look like with the selected options.


See also

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