Full installer Types, Components and Tasks
This listings in this article are meant for developers who want to automate the full installer using command line (http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=setupcmdline), with the "/TYPE", "/COMPONENTS", "/TASKS" and "/MERGETASKS" switches. When you need to refer to a specific installation type, component or task, use the value of the "Name" parameter from the listing in the switches.
The production installer has a different/reduced set of types, components, and tasks, and this set is described in the regular documentation (User's Guide).
Note that for production purposes, it is not expected that you will automate the full installer in this way; you should be using the production installer instead.
The listings are labeled with the product version(s) they apply to.
QuickOPC 2022.2 (preliminary)
[Types] Name: "typicalnet"; Description: "Typical installation (.NET)"; Name: "typicalcom"; Description: "Typical installation (COM)"; Name: "typicalexcel"; Description: "Typical installation (Excel)"; Name: "full"; Description: "Full installation"; Name: "custom"; Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom; Name: "production"; Description: "Production installation"; Name: "productionnet"; Description: "Production installation (.NET only)"; Name: "productioncom"; Description: "Production installation (COM only)"; Name: "productionexcel"; Description: "Production installation (Excel only)"; Name: "buildnet"; Description: "Build environment (.NET only)"; Name: "buildcom"; Description: "Build environment (COM only)"; Name: "documentation"; Description: "Documentation only";
[Components] Name: "nugetpackages"; Description: "NuGet packages (Local Feed)"; Flags: checkablealone; Types: typicalnet full custom production productionnet buildnet; Name: "netassemblies"; Description: ".NET Assemblies (for PowerShell)"; Flags: checkablealone; Types: typicalnet full custom production productionnet; Name: "comcomponents"; Description: "COM Components"; Types: typicalcom full custom production productioncom; Name: "typelibs"; Description: "Type Libraries (COM)"; Types: typicalcom full custom buildcom; Name: "vsi"; Description: "Visual Studio Integration"; Types: typicalcom full custom; Name: "demo"; Description: "Demo Applications"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "demo\net"; Description: "Demo Applications (.NET)"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "demo\com"; Description: "Demo Applications (COM)"; Types: typicalcom full custom; Name: "examples"; Description: "Examples"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "examples\net"; Description: "Examples (.NET)"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "examples\com"; Description: "Examples (COM)"; Types: typicalcom full custom; Name: "examples\opccmd"; Description: "Examples (OpcCmd)"; Types: typicalcom full custom; Name: "bonus"; Description: "Bonus Material"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "bonus\net"; Description: "Bonus Material (.NET)"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "bonus\com"; Description: "Bonus Material (COM)"; Types: typicalcom full custom; Name: "tools"; Description: "Tools"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Name: "tools\productiontools"; Description: "Production Tools (License Manager, ...)"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom production productioncom; Name: "redist"; Description: "Redistributables"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom typicalexcel full custom buildnet buildcom; Name: "documentation"; Description: "Documentation and Help"; Flags: checkablealone; Types: typicalnet typicalcom typicalexcel full custom documentation; Name: "documentation\mshelpviewer"; Description: "Help Integration in Visual Studio (.NET)"; Flags: dontinheritcheck; Types: typicalnet full custom documentation; Name: "options"; Description: "Product Options"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom typicalexcel full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "options\excel"; Description: "Excel Option"; Types: typicalcom typicalnet full custom productionexcel; Name: "options\excel\demo"; Description: "Demo Applications (Excel)"; Types: typicalexcel full custom;
QuickOPC 2016.2
[Types] Name: "typicalnet"; Description: "Typical installation (.NET)"; Name: "typicalcom"; Description: "Typical installation (COM)"; Name: "full"; Description: "Full installation"; Name: "custom"; Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom; Name: "productionnet"; Description: "Production installation (.NET)"; Name: "productioncom"; Description: "Production installation (COM)"; Name: "buildnet"; Description: "Build environment (.NET)"; Name: "buildcom"; Description: "Build environment (COM)"; Name: "documentation"; Description: "Documentation only";
[Components] Name: "assemblies"; Description: "Assemblies"; Types: typicalcom typicalnet full custom productioncom productionnet buildnet; Name: "assemblies\xml"; Description: "XML comments (IntelliSense)"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "assemblies\design"; Description: "Design-time assemblies (Visual Studio)"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "assemblies\embedded"; Description: "Embedded assemblies"; Types: full; Name: "comcomponents"; Description: "COM Components"; Types: typicalcom full custom productioncom; Name: "devlibs"; Description: "Development Libraries (COM)"; Types: typicalcom full custom buildcom; Name: "demo"; Description: "Demo Applications"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "demo\net"; Description: "Demo Application (.NET)"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "demo\com"; Description: "Demo Application (COM)"; Types: typicalcom full custom; Name: "examples"; Description: "Examples"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "examples\net"; Description: "Examples (.NET)"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "examples\com"; Description: "Examples (COM)"; Types: typicalcom full custom; Name: "bonus"; Description: "Bonus Material"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "bonus\net"; Description: "Bonus Material (.NET)"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "bonus\com"; Description: "Bonus Material (COM)"; Types: typicalcom full custom; Name: "tools"; Description: "Tools"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "tools\launcher"; Description: "Launcher"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Name: "tools\opckitserver"; Description: "Simulation Server (OPC DA, OPC A&E)"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Name: "tools\licensemanager"; Description: "License Manager"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Name: "redist"; Description: "3rd-party Redistributable Packages"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom buildnet buildcom; Name: "documentation"; Description: "Documentation and Help"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom documentation; Name: "documentation\mshelpviewer"; Description: "VS2012/2013 Integration (.NET)"; Types: typicalnet full custom documentation; Name: "options"; Description: "Options"; Types: typicalnet typicalcom full custom; Flags: fixed; Name: "options\streaminsight"; Description: "StreamInsight Option"; Types: typicalnet full custom; Name: "testnet"; Description: "Test Tools (.NET)"; Types: full;
[Tasks] Name: "installtogac"; Description: "{cm:InstallToGac}"; Flags: unchecked; Components: assemblies; Name: "launchlicensemanager"; Description: "{cm:LaunchLicenseManager}"; Flags: unchecked; Components: {#LicenseManagerComponents};