What's new in QuickOPC 2017.1

From OPC Labs Knowledge Base

Previous: What’s New in QuickOPC 2016.2 (5.41)

Internal version number: 5.50

Key changes:

Installation and Uninstallation

  • The type libraries that were earlier installed under Lib subdirectory have now been moved to SDK\lib.

Component Improvements

  • Added UANetworkDiscoveryQuery object, and [I]EasyUAClient.DiscoverServersOnNetwork methods, for discovering servers on a multicast subnet using LDS-ME (this has been an experimental feature in version 2016.2).

Component Refactorings

  • Changed type of public properties derived from HashSet<> to Collection<>, in order to facilitate XAML serialization.

Removed Parts

  • Removed the obsoleted "OPC Foundation White Papers" from the bonus material.