What's new in QuickOPC 2023.1

From OPC Labs Knowledge Base
Revision as of 18:11, 18 December 2022 by User (talk | contribs)
See also: Versions; Previous version: What's new in QuickOPC 2022.2

Internal version number: 5.71

Key changes:


  • .NET runtimes: Added support for .NET 7.
  • .NET runtimes: Removed support for .NET Core 3.1.

Component Improvements

OPC UA Administration and PKI

  • Created a new object, CertificateGenerationParameters, with settings that influence how the certificates are generated. You can set the maximum expiration date, minimum key size, and/or the validity period in months. For creation of application instance certificates, these parameters can be changed in the new InstanceCertificateGenerationParameters property of the UAClientServerApplicationParameters object.

Component Refactorings

OPC UA Administration and PKI

  • The default lifetime of auto-generated application instance certificate is now 12 months, regardless of whether you target .NET Framework, or .NET 6+ (previously, the default was 600 months for .NET Framework, and 12 months otherwise).

Development Productivity

Code Analysis

  • When the Visual Studio extension is installed, it provides additional code analysis specifically aimed at the proper usage of QuickOPC APIs, and OPC in general. Affected places are marked up with "squiggles" directly in the code, and also appear as warnings (or other message severities) in the Error List window.

Tools and Online Services

All Command-Line Tools

  • The .NET build configurations of the command-line tools now target .NET 7.
  • In table output, values in columns with data of enumerated types are now automatically colorized, allowing quick visual distinction between the distinct enum values.