QuickOPC Compatibility Test List

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Older test lists: Application note: QuickOPC-UA Compatibility Test List


The Compatibility Test List documents the test performed with the product with the aim to assure its compatibility widest range of systems it depends on or interoperates with. This document is updated from time to time, as new tests are being performed.

This document is grouped by the classes of systems that this product depends on or interoperates with, such as "Platform hardware" or "Operating systems". Each class has a standalone chapter.

The entries in each group are sorted by the columns from left to right, i.e. first by "Other system model", then by "Other system version", and then by "Test date.

Field descriptions

Other system model

"Other system" is the system we are testing the compatibility of this product with. It can be hardware, software, or a combination.

Other system version

This field contains additional details about the other system, typically its versioning information, if available.

Test date

Describes when the test was performed. It can be a specific date, date range, or approximate date such as a month in a year.

Performed by

This field determines the entity (person or organization) that has performed the test.

This product version

This field contains versioning information about this (our) product, typically including the software build and revision numbers, too.

If a test that was otherwise identical in other parameters has been performed with a newer version of this product, and the outcome was the same or better, the old entry in the compatibility test list may be removed for brevity. This is done so because the main purpose of the compatibility test list is to assess the compatibility of the latest available version of this product.

On the other hand, entries for tests performed with earlier versions of this product that were not repeated later are always retained. It can be assumed that later versions of this product continue to operate with at least the same outcome as the version that has been tested.

Test type

  • Alpha test.
  • Basic test.
  • Compliance test.
  • Developer test.
  • Field test.
  • Interoperability workshop.

Test outcome

  • Failed. There is always a Note describing the details.
  • Inconclusive. There is always a Note describing the details.
  • Passed.
  • Warning. There is always a Note describing the details.


This field contains any relevant notes, especially to the test environment, or outcome of the test.

Platform hardware

Operating systems

OPC servers

Other system model Other system version Test date Performed by This product version Test type Test outcome Notes
3S-Smart Software Solutions: CODESYS OPC UA Server 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Passed
Beckhoff Automation: TF6100 OPC-UA 2.2.21 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Passed
Beckhoff Automation: TwinCAT TF6100 OPC UA (Client/Server) 3.x 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Passed
Beckhoff Automation: TwinCAT TF6100 OPC UA (Client/Server) 3.x 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Passed
Bosch Rexroth: IndraMotion MTX 14VRS 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Warning [1]
dieEntwickler Elektronik: SITOP PSU8600 1.2.0-Dev 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Failed [2]
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft: SecurePlugAndWorkUAServer 1.1.3 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Passed
General Electric Corporation: CIMPLICITY OPC UA Server 9.5 Beta 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Passed [3]
General Electric Corporation: CIMPLICITY Server 9.5 SIM2 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Warning [4]
Hilscher: OPC UA Server Micro 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Warning [5]
Hilscher: OPC UA Server Nano 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Warning [5]
Inductive Automation: Eclipse Milo OPC-UA Server SDK 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Passed [6]
IPCOMM: ipConvLite 3.x 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Passed
IPCOMM: ipConvOPC 3.x 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Passed
Kepware Technologies: OPC UA Server - KEPServerEX 6.0 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Passed
Microsoft: .Net Standard Library OPC Server Nov-11-2016 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Warning [7]
Phoenix Contact: PC WORX UA Server 1.03.961.3 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Warning [8]
Siemens: SIMATIC NET OPC Server S7 opt V13 SP1 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Warning [9]
Siemens: SIMOCODE pro V PN V1.2.2 a 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Warning [1]
Siemens: Simatic WinCC V7.4 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Passed [10]
Tani: OPC Server 1.7 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Passed
Tani: OPC Server Linux 1.7 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Passed [11]
Tani: PLC Engine Server raspberry 1.12 2016-11 OPC Labs 5.41 Interoperability workshop Failed [2]
Unified Automation: C based OPC UA Server SDK 1.5.1 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Warning [12]
Unified Automation: C++ based OPC UA Server SDK WINDOWS 1.5.0 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Warning [12]
Unified Automation: .NET based OPC UA Server SDK 2.4.0 2015-11 OPC Labs 5.36 Interoperability workshop Warning [12][13]
  1. 1.0 1.1 do not know the HTTPS endpoint
  2. 2.0 2.1 getting BadIdentityTokenRejected from ActivateSession() with user identity = username/password
  3. the ServerDiagnostics.SessionDiagnosticsArray cannot be read with the credentials provided for testing
  4. server is revising publishing intervals to 0 and using its own
  5. 5.0 5.1 failed: reading and writing with IndexRange
  6. HTTPS not supported by the server?
  7. reading Server_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionDiagnosticsArray (nsu=http://opcfoundation.org/UA/;i=3707) gives BadOutOfService
  8. reading ServerDiagnostics.SessionDiagnosticsArray gives BadNodeIdUnknown
  9. Server sends changes too fast. I used sampling interval 2000 ms. The server has not revised it. But it has been sending notifications with average rate between 800-900 ms. I think it would be OK to send values faster than requested, but in that case the server should report the faster revised sampling rate properly to the client.
  10. no arrays available for testing
  11. values not changing
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 looks like LDS is not running
  13. server often sends notifications where the difference is less than the deadband