Connectivity Explorer Q&A

From OPC Labs Knowledge Base
Revision as of 19:40, 1 December 2024 by User (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:ECC Category:OPC UA Category:Connectivity Explorer Category:Tools and Online Services ; How do I make an OPC UA connection using ECC security policy? : 1. In the tree view of Browse tab of the Point Editor, select the OPC UA endpoint you want to use.<br/>2. In the Action pane, under "Browse As:", select "Session Endpoints".<br/>3. In the tree view, expand the OPC UA endpoint node (using the "+" mini-icon).<br/>4. Select one of the OPC UA endpoin...")
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How do I make an OPC UA connection using ECC security policy?
1. In the tree view of Browse tab of the Point Editor, select the OPC UA endpoint you want to use.
2. In the Action pane, under "Browse As:", select "Session Endpoints".
3. In the tree view, expand the OPC UA endpoint node (using the "+" mini-icon).
4. Select one of the OPC UA endpoint child nodes with the desired ECC policy, e.g. opc.tcp: - [SignAndEncrypt:ECC-nistP256:Binary].